Website/Calendar Committee
The committee maintains the calendar and provides suggested updates & improvements giving valuable information while being easily navigated.
Committee Members
Isaac Stensland (Chair)
Travis Dunn
Finance Committee
The committee reviews any finance issues and makes budget recommendations.
Committee Members
Arlen Madsen (Chair)
Dennis Schilling
Planning Committee
Provides membership events such as summer conference, annual golf tournaments, road side clean-up and ramp construction projects and creating a list of potential board members.
Committee Members
Isaac Stensland (Chair)
Caleb Hansen
Arlen Madsen
Colby Cartney
AMBO Liaison, Legislative, ICC Relations Committee
The committee provide updates at all scheduled AMBO meetings which include important updates on legislation reports.
Committee Members
Dennis Schilling (Chair)
Greg Brady
John Caldwell
Contractor Education Committee
Our Contractor Education Committee, along with AMBO, are determined to provide quality continuing education for building officials, contractors and anyone within the construction industry. Our education classes will earn you the CEU’s towards your certification renewal.
Committee Members
Steve Kartak (Chair)
Travis Dunn
Colby Cartney
Code Development Committee
The Code Development Committee works with AMBO Code Development chair to keep committees active and engaged to promote member involvement in code changes. The committee also promotes code change proposals on a national level for state amendments and promotes uniform regulations and legislation pertaining to building construction.
Committee Members
Steve Kartak (Chair)
Nate Borwege
Caleb Hansen
Scott Anderson
Education Committee
Our Education committee is dedicated to the ongoing education and trainings that offer great opportunities to stay up to date with current codes, ever changing construction processes and materials as well as the opportunity to earn CEU’s towards certification renewal.
Committee Members
Travis Dunn (Chair)
Arlen Madsen
Scott Anderson
Membership Committee
The 10,000 Lakes membership committee works hard towards promoting the chapter while looking into changes/improvements for its members who receive reduced seminar rates while requesting and reviewing individuals nominated for awards and scholarships to present to the board.
Committee Members
Greg Brady (Chair)
Nate Borwege
Phil Marvets