September 2023 Meeting Minutes

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open notebook on a table with a pen lying on it at the ICC 10K Lakes September 2023 Meeting

10,000 Lakes Chapter Business Meeting Minutes

9:00 a.m. Thursday, September 14th, 2023 | Eagan City Hall – Eagan, MN

Call Meeting to Order

  • Meeting was called to order by President Dan Grinsteiner at 9:09 a.m. 

Roll Call of Officers

  • Present – Dan Grinsteinner, Dennis Schilling, Todd Hoekstra, Isaac Stensland, Dale Gronberg, Steve Kartak, Arlen Madsen, Fred Weck
  • Absent – Dave Skallet, Greg Brady, Travis Dunn, Caleb Hansen and Nate Borwege 

Introduction of Attendees

  • 14 total attendees each introduced themselves to the group by giving their name and official title
  • President Dan Grinsteinner directed attendees to please provide updated email addresses as some members have changed job locations or retired

Approval of Business Meeting Minutes from June 14th, 2023

  • Motion to approve by Director Dale Gronberg, 2nd by Vice President Dennis Schilling All in favor – passed

Treasurer’s Report – Presented by Vice President Dennis Schilling

  • 9/14/2023 Checking Balance = $58,242.27
    • The balance on 9/20/22 was $66,880.51
    • The balance on 9/23/21 was $66,003.50
  • 9/14/2023 Savings Balance = $5,037.74
    • The balance on 9/20/2022 was $5,036.69
    • The balance on 9/23/21 was $5,036.22
  • $0.00 Current outstanding balance on credit card account
  • Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by past President Todd Hoekstra, 2nd by Secretary Isaac Stensland. All in favor – passed.

President Dan Grinsteinner presented the following updates:

  • October 2023 is the highway clean up at 1190 Manning Ave South Hastings , MN. Date to be determined by Jerry Backlund and group email will be incoming.
  • Fall seminar being decided at next board meeting invites to come.
  • 10K Christmas party will be Saturday, December 9th with place to be determined.
  • June 18th – 20th 2024 will be the dates for next year’s Summer Conference at Sugar Lake. Tuesday the 18th will be education, Wednesday will be the board meeting and golf and Thursday is the chapter meeting. Vice President Dennis Schilling stated that 2025 Summer Conference will return to the regular Wednesday through Friday schedule.

Tim Manz with the MN Department of Labor and Industry presented the following updates: 

  • DOLI released an IRC Field Guide to commemorate the 50TH Anniversary of CCLD. He stated if any errors are noticed by contractors or inspectors please notify Tim.
  • New plastic license cards issued by CCLD out in June 2023 for all renewals and new licensees. Please report any errors noticed to CCLD.
  • CCLD will send out 60 day reminder emails in advance of license expirations.
  • Rulemaking for the MN Energy Code (adoption of ASHRAE 90.1-2019) and floodproofing codes are making progress and will be ready January 2024.
  • Scott Mclellan’s retirement party will September 19th, 1–3 p.m.
  • New DOLI positions – Greg Metz – Interim State Building Official, Don Sivigny – Supervisor for Education Rules
  • As of August 1st, 2023, Assisted Living facilities are now included as state projects including in Single Family dwellings. President Dan Grinsteinner asked if the state would be reviewing plumbing and sprinklers in these units. Tim Manz Doli stated that the plumbing section should be involved and to reach out to Brit Mcadamis at his office on fire sprinkler question.

Special Guest Presentation; Chris Athari – Marketing Representative for Hoover Treated Wood Products


  • Motion to adjourn by Director Steve Kartak. Second by Director Arlen Madsen. All in favor – passed.
  • Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

President: Dan Grinsteiner

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Isaac Stensland

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